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Conférences et Workshops

Forum LABO & BIOTECH, at the Paris expo Porte de Versailles, in Paris, France, March 31 - April 2, 2015: Poster Presenter
The Special Topic Conference (STC) of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI), at the LIMICS ( INSERM) in Paris, France, 17th to 19th April 2016: Poster Presenter
Sanofi - Institut Pasteur Awards Ceremony, at the Institut Pasteur, Tuesday, 13th December 2016, in Paris, France: Candidate
Flanders Vaccine - Symposium: Recruitment in clinical trials for vaccines and immunotherapeutics, 12th December 2017, in Brussels: Participant

Publications Internationales

Eustache MUTEBA A. Optimization of Medical Decision: An Approach of Medical Decision Analysis. European Journal for Biomedical Informatics (EJBI). Volume 10(2014), Issue 1. PP 2-5. February 2014
Eustache MUTEBA A. Towards Networked eHealth: OMaT Project (Phase I). Journal of Health Informatics in Africa. Vol 2, No 1. 2014
Eustache Muteba A. Modelling Software Agents: Web-Based Decision Support System for Malaria Diagnosis and Therapy. Journal of Health Informatics in Africa. Vol 3, No 1. 2015
Eustache Muteba A. Toward a Virtual Community of Healthcare Facilities: Virtual Lab. Proceedings of the EFMI Special Topic Conference 2016. IOS Press. Vol. 221. 2016
Eustache Muteba A. Smart Information Management in Health Big Data. Proceedings of the EFMI Special Topic Conference 2017. IOS Press. Vol. 244. 2017
Eustache Muteba A. Specification and Description Language of Medical Activities. Proceedings of the EFMI Special Topic Conference 2018. IOS Press. Vol. 255. 2018
Eustache Muteba A. Modeling an Automatic Diagnosis of Malaria based on Digital Holographic Microscopy. 3th ICEHTMC 2019 – Congress, poster. 3rd ICEHTMC Proceedings. Vol. 2: Special Issue 2. 2019.
Eustache Muteba A. Design Implementation of a Sustainable Accurate Malaria Diagnostic at Primary Care Facilities for Developing Countries. Proceedings 4th ICEHTMC 2021. Journal of Global Clinical Engineering. Special Issue 4. 2021.
Eustache Muteba A. CyberPharmacovigilance of Covid-19: Social Media Data Analytics. Stud Health Technol Inform. IOS Press. Vol. 294. 2022.

Membres de l'Equipe

Investigateur principal et chef de projet:
Eustache Muteba A.

* Correspondant de l'International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) en RD Congo
* No: DVRR-002/06 - Ministère de la Recherche Scientifique et de l'Innovation Technologie en RD Congo